TG04 Condenser Duplex Basket Strainer

Our work


TG04 has been experiencing increased plugging in the tubes on the Pond Effluent Water (PEW) side of the sub-cooler and condenser shell and tube exchangers. The increased plugging causes higher PEW side differential pressure across the exchangers, which limits the total flow of PEW water through Upgrading. To mitigate the plugging, GN2 was asked to install a strainer system upstream of the sub-cooler inlet.

Scope Summary

GN2 requested a laser scan of the TG04/ESS building to get a better idea of available tie-in locations to the PEW piping and installation locations for the new basket strainer system. Strainers were sized for the flow requirements of the system and designed with an open bottom basket for easier cleaning. A pipe stress model was developed in CAESAR II to ensure the system was well supported and no excess stress was applied to the strainer or condenser nozzles. A structural skid was designed to support the new system. Detailed engineering packages were developed for the fabrication and installation of the duplex strainer system including the screw piles required to support the system, structural skid, Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU), and piping.

Challenges / Innovations

This was a condensed timeframe project with a DBM to commissioning timeline of less than 12 months. The long lead times for key mechanical equipment and the limited space in the existing building for construction of the strainer system presented many challenges. GN2 was able to devise a practical, fit-for-purpose design with fast turnaround to meet the project timelines. The new strainers have successfully increased efficiency of the system, providing a 20-25 MW increase in energy production.