Custom Barge Design Build

On-Pond Crane & Maintenance Dock


Project Name: On-Pond Crane & Maintenance Dock

Services Provided: Scoping Study, Detailed Engineering, Procurement, and Fabrication

Discipline(s): Mechanical, Structural, Process, Electrical, and Instrumentation

Budget: $12M

Duration: 1.5 yr

Scope Summary

A newly commissioned tailings pond required a maintenance dock to support the main pump barges and other on pond infrastructure. GN2 completed the scoping study and design and also oversaw procurement and fabrication for this maintenance dock. The dock provides shore access for delivery of maintenance materials and includes fuel and temporary power distribution systems. The dock also includes a 25T overhead bridge crane specially designed for use on a floating structure. The project scope eventually expanded to include design of an ice-management system as well, for preserving access to pond assets during our challenging Alberta winters.